FKG Dentaire Sàrl

Founded in Switzerland in 1931, FKG Dentaire is at the forefront in the development, manufacture and distribution of products for dentists, endodontists and laboratories. Flexible, quick to react and above all, innovative, FKG remains close to its markets and plays in the big leagues. Always able to anticipate and respond to the needs of end users, the company has built partnerships with the best universities in the world.

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As part of its belief in transferring knowledge on the optimal use of its ultrasophisticated tools, FKG offers not only demonstrations but also training for dentists, notably at the training centers in La Chaux-de-Fonds and Oslo.

Through its network of distributors, which are carefully selected on the basis of their structure and compatibility with its own strategies, FKG makes its instruments available around the world.

Equipped with a clean room, FKG Dentaire is developing a range of sterile products that will ensure even greater safety and ease of use. The company is certified according to international industry norms and regulations.