B. & B. Dental S.r.l. is a leading Italian company in the field of oral implantology and specialised in the design of dental implants and bone regeneration materials. Thanks to the experience gained over the years, it has developed high quality implant-prosthetic technologies and innovative materials. The company, established in 1992 by Dr. Claudio Banzi,
has its registered office in Via San Benedetto 1847, San Pietro in Casale (Bologna) and its operational headquarters in via Due Ponti, 19, Argelato (Bologna). It was in the same year that the company’s first dental implant, DURAVIT, was patented in 1991 by the company’s founder himself, who subsequently invested further resources to obtain a patent, dated 1992, for NOVOCOR PLUS, a bone regeneration material still recognised by many in the industry as one of the most complete on the market.